Is That Legal?

Is That Legal?

  • Navigating Forced Labor Trade Laws: When Do You Need a Lawyer?

    Forced labor and human trafficking are significant issues that, unfortunately, still exist in many parts of the world. As a business owner or individual involved in international trade, it's crucial to understand the laws and regulations surrounding forced labor trade. But when do you need to enlist the help of a lawyer specializing in this area?  Understanding Compliance Requirements:  One of the most important reasons to hire a lawyer for forced labor trade law services is to ensure that your business is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

  • Navigating FMLA: The Benefits of the Family Medical Leave Act

    Taking care of family members and oneself is a top priority, but unfortunately, it can sometimes conflict with work obligations. Thankfully, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) exists to help bridge that gap. This law requires certain employers to provide qualifying employees with job-protected, unpaid leave for specified family and medical reasons.  Leave Duration and Intermittent Leave The FMLA provides many weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for qualified employees.

  • When to Hire Forced Labor Trade Law Services

    In today's globalized world, international trade is of paramount importance for many businesses, but it also carries the risk of exposure to the use of forced labor in supply chains. Forced labor can have serious legal, reputational, and financial consequences on companies, ranging from fines and legal proceedings to damaged brand reputation. In this context, it's essential for businesses to carefully monitor their supply chains and take action to prevent, detect, and address any forced labor issues.

  • Business Tax Planning Attorney—Benefits Of Hiring One For A Small Business

    If you own a small business, you will deal with tax matters every year. You can fortunately hire a business tax planning attorney and subsequently be better off in several ways.  Help You Dedicate More Time to Other Business-Related Matters If you have a thriving small business, you may not have the time to sit down and plan out every important tax-related matter. Fortunately, you can use services from a business tax planning attorney anytime.

  • 3 Types Of Workplace Discrimination That Warrant Hiring A Work Discrimination Attorney

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Community (EEOC) imposes strict laws against workplace discrimination based on the following:  Sex Religion Disability Sexual orientation  But, the EEOC laws aren't always adhered to by employers. Furthermore, most people who encounter workplace discrimination do not know it is wrong. Thus, they rarely come forward to fight for their rights.  But, if you are a victim of workplace discrimination, a workplace discrimination lawyer can help you fight for your rights.

  • About Me

    Is That Legal?

    If you are a business owner, there are bound to be times when you ask yourself, "is this legal?" You may have this question before you sign a certain contract, fire an employee, or set a new policy for your customers. The best person to answer this question is, of course, a business attorney. They have specific training and experience to guide business owners in making smart legal decisions. The posts on this blog are all related to business attorneys and the work that they do. We think you'll benefit from reading them, whether you own a business yourself or are thinking of getting into business law.
